It's no big secret that I love a good party. It seems that Connor is following in my footsteps. He loves to throw parties all the time. He is always looking for a reason to have a party.
Recently, it has been Lemur's birthday. Every day.

Some days we have a pretend cake. But Connor has talked me into baking cookies and cupcakes quite often this past week. Not that it was a hard sell. It's no secret that I love cookies and cupcakes.

One day we had balloons. Another day we took the lemurs outside to play on the slide for their birthday. On yet another day, Connor and Lex boxed up a bunch of their toys, and we wrapped them up as presents. (With Mickey Mouse Christmas paper, of course.)

Notice how different the lemurs are in appearance. The one on the left is Connor's Lemur. We ordered him on the internet after he wouldn't leave John alone. John is on the right. He is Lex's favorite friend. Whenever Lex picks up a lemur, he gives him a good scrutinizing. If it is John, he tucks him under his arm and runs off. If it is Connor's Lemur, he throws him onto the floor and goes off to find John.
There is no fooling Lex.
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