After our zoo trip on Sunday, we went for a walk near our hotel to Demo's for dinner. At some point during that walk, Connor fell into a hole in grating in the sidewalk where a tree was growing. He didn't seem hurt, he just needed my help in pulling his leg out of the hole. I didn't think much of it at the time, but I thought about it a lot the next day when we were at the urgent care.
When Connor woke up the next morning, he couldn't walk. I had to carry him from his bed to the bathroom, and then back to the bed. He tried to put weight on his right foot a few times, but he was insistent that he couldn't walk on it. I basically let him sit on the bed and watch cartoons while I got myself and our stuff together, and then we headed to breakfast in the lobby (Connor's new favorite breakfast item: Starbucks' morning buns). Connor rode around the hotel in the stroller while I figured out where to take him to see a doctor. Enter the helpful concierge.
We ended up at the cleanest urgent care I have ever been to. I felt very comfortable there and the staff was amazingly nice. Realizing that we had been there for a while, one of them brought us some snacks from a big basket. There were water bottles stocked in the waiting rooms. It was really thoughtful and made things a little easier. Not that spending the morning in the urgent care with a three year old who can't walk and a toddler while on vacation is easy. But we managed.

The verdict? Developmental bone fragmentation. We were advised to let him take it easy for a while, and we could get him a special shoe to help take the pressure off of his toes when he walks. We opted to wait a bit on the shoe to see how things progressed, and later that afternoon Connor began taking a few tentative steps. By bedtime, he was walking normally, and the next day he was running and jumping like normal.
I got a copy of the doctor's report and the x-rays to bring home to our doctor, so that we would have the records in case another problem with his foot occurs. But I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
After we returned home, we visited Stride Rite to make sure that Connor had a good pair of shoes that fit his feet well. He picked out a pair of Darth Vader shoes that light up. I'm not sure where his recent obsession with Darth Vader came from (because he hasn't seen any Star Wars movies or cartoons), but obsessed he is. Just ask him what kind of birthday party he wants this year. He wants a Darth Vader party. But not just any Darth Vader party. Darth Vader riding on a T-Rex.
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