My beloved cousin Pam once told me that I had the heaviest diaper bag in the world. While I'm not entirely convinced that's true, I was surprised at how much stuff came out of my bag when I emptied it today. (I had big plans to run it through the wash to get all the mud off the bottom of it from the soccer field.)
First of all, there are extra clothes for two boys, which amounts to the following:
2 shirts
2 pairs of shorts
1 pair socks
1 pair underpants
Next, we have some essentials:
Baby lotion
diaper cream
teething gel
Neo to Go spray
Neosporin packets
(conspicuously absent: band aids)
Hand sanitizer
large ziplock bag for containing messy clothes
My wallet and small camera (along with USB card reader) are basically the only things that were in the bag for me.
Here are some of the more interesting finds:
Two grab-and-g0 play packs (with coloring books, markers/crayons and stickers)
18 crayons
one mini maglight flashlight
two action figures
Nesquick chocolate milk mix
Finally, we have the typical stuff you would expect to find in a diaper bag:
two different kinds of sunscreen
two disposable toothbrushes
two disposable bibs
diapers and wipes
Not pictured, but often shoved in my bag (well, at least since I got it on Mother's Day): my Nook.
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