While in the Sky Pod of the CN Tower (1,465 feet up), we noticed something below us. Any idea what it is?

It's a real-life train roundhouse and turntable! OMG! Do you have any idea how exciting this is to a couple of train-crazy kids?
So, of course, as soon as we were done in the tower and back on the ground, we had to go find it and check it out.

There were a few trains on display, and the roundhouse itself had been converted...the left hand side housed the
Steam Whistle Brewery, and the right hand side was a
Leon's furniture store. We briefly explored both.

Stumbling upon this little roundhouse was like a dream come true for Connor and Lex! The whole area was really cool, and there was a little playground right by it, so we spent some time there, too.

Looking at the train turntable
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