What does Thanksgiving mean to Connor? As far as I can tell, Thanksgiving is all about chocolate turkeys, football and more football for Connor. He watched football on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
Kevin spent a good deal of time hunting with his brothers and his new cross bow.
Ella and I spent a lot of time shopping. We went out early for Black Friday, and ended up at Wal*Mart around 10 pm on Thanksgiving. We were back home again by midnight, and we went to the mall the next morning around 10 am. I scored some really good deals on Christmas gifts, and now both Connor and I have some new clothes to wear.
And Lex? Lex loved the chocolate turkeys. And playing with Daddy and Papa Kirk. His favorite thing is when they pick him up so that he can touch the ceiling.
Now that Thanksgiving is over, we are getting ready for Christmas. As soon as it stops raining, Connor wants to put up Christmas lights outside. I am about half done with my Christmas shopping. I've done more online shopping this year than in previous years, and it's been wonderful!
food, family, shopping and CHOCOLATE TURKEY---does life get much better. Whose house is this?
That was at Megan's house. We were there on Saturday for football and birthday parties.
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