Thursday, February 2, 2012

Groundhog Day 2012

Last year for Groundhog Day we went to Gobblers Knob to see Punxsutawney Phil. It was awesome. But, having done that once already, and having just returned home from a trip to Texas, we decided to stay home this year. I mean, we just did the hot-dogs-for-breakfast thing in the airport. (Thank you, Auntie Ann's Pretzels, for serving us pretzel-wrapped hot dogs in the airport at 8:00 AM.)

Yesterday Connor asked me where the groundhog party was going to be. When I told him that it was going to be at home, he seemed a little bit disappointed. But when he found out that we could watch Punxsutawney Phil on tv while in our pajamas, he was fine with the idea.

So, when Connor woke up on Groundhog Day 2012, he came to my room and asked me if we had missed the groundhog on tv or not. We watched a bit of it on a news report, and found out that Phil had seen his shadow and forecasted another six weeks of winter.

But it was a beautiful sunny day, so we went outside to play in the backyard.

And then we read this book by Pamela Curtis Swallow.

Happy Groundhog Day everyone!

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