Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Where have we been?

Uncle Kerry died last Thursday, January 26th. Kevin and I were not able to connect with one another until late that day. I was busy with the kids, and he had a meeting after work. Then the smallest stinker (Lex) would not go to sleep, even though we had all been up since about 6 am that morning. That meant that Kevin and I didn't really get a chance to talk to one another about Uncle Kerry and the rest of our family until about 10:00 that night.

That's when I realized that Kevin really wanted to go down to Texas to be with his family. And that he wanted all of us to come with him. It took until about midnight to find and purchase plane tickets. Then, we started packing. I was proud of only took about two hours to organize and pack everything we needed for four people for a four day trip. But, by this time, it was about 2 am, and we needed to leave the house by 4 am in time to make our plane.

Kevin and I both napped for about an hour, and then we got up and got ready to go. We woke the boys up at 4 am and loaded them into the car.

Who needs sleep? The kids were up and wide awake, because they realized that they were about to go on an adventure. Connor, at one point, declared that we were having "Adventures from Dallas" in his best movie announcer voice.

We checked our two suitcases and two car seats. Then we just had the diaper bag and some teddy bears and small backpacks full of toys to carry on. Well, Kevin had his laptop and camera bag to carry on, too, but I forget about those things because he took care of them. Did you know that teddy bears make great pillows on the air plane? Both kids napped on theirs.

The kids did great on the flights. I liked the seating configuration where we sat two people in front of two people best. We sat this way on two of our flights. This was great because we put Lex in the back row, and then when he kicked the seat in front of him, he was just kicking Connor's seat, and not some stranger who might get upset. It was nice to sit four in a row, too, but I had to keep reminding Lex to keep his feet still, and I had to apologize to the person he was sitting behind on both of those flights. Fortunately, it wasn't a big deal.

During the second flight, when sleep deprivation finally hit me, Lex figured out how to undo his lap belt. Of course. I looked down for a second to get him a sucker from the bag, and when I looked up, he was gone. Fortunately, he had only gone up one row to be with Daddy and Connor. That's when I decided to take a nap.

We rented a Kia Optima. It was a great car. I would buy one, actually. But it would have to be equipped with the panoramic sunroof.

So, we went to Texas. But there are no pictures and we didn't do any sightseeing. It wasn't that sort of trip. We spent our time with our family, and it was really good to see them all.

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