The first thing that Lex wanted to do when we got to Phoenix was go to see animals at the zoo. So that's exactly what we did. We went to the
Phoenix Zoo and saw all sorts of great animals.

The African Savannah exhibit was fabulous! It was the first thing we saw once inside the zoo, and it was a huge hill filled with African animals. You know, all the ones that wouldn't eat one another.

Also part of the African Trail was the Rhino exhibit. Lex took one look at the rhino in this enclosure and told me, "I'll be right back, Mommy." He then proceeded to climb between the rails of the fence and head straight for the rhino. Fortunately he didn't get over that concrete ledge before I stopped him. So we had a nice little chat about staying on the path and
out of the animal areas.
Then, we saw lions...
...and tigers...

...and dragons!

We asked Lex what animal he wanted to see at the zoo, and he told us that he wanted to see a dragon. At first I told him that there were no dragons at the zoo, but Kevin examined the zoo map and discovered that there were, in fact, dragons at the Phoenix Zoo. So, the entire time we walked around, Lex said he wanted to go see the dragon next. And every time anyone else said "dragons" he corrected us and said, "no, there is only one dragon."
And when we finally got to the Land of the Dragons, it turned out that he was right. There was only one dragon there. And it turned out to be a very famous dragon.

On Display: Gaia
The first Komodo Dragon in the Western Hemisphere to reproduce via parthenogenesis.

We only spent one afternoon at the Phoenix Zoo, and after looking at the map, I would estimate that we saw approximately 1/3 of the animals at the zoo. That place is huge!
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