Thursday, May 3, 2012

I will give you three guesses as to what is going on here...

Give up?

The boys are going to be in a wedding in about a week, and once I started talking to them about their roles as ring bearers, they had about a million questions for me.  So, we held a little pretend wedding in our kitchen so that they could get a feel for what a typical wedding ceremony is like.  Chip and Dale stood in as bridesmaids, Thumper was the officiant, and the penguin-in-formal-wear was the best man.  The bride's name is Jessy and the groom's name is Travis.  Then, the rest of the stuffed friends were other wedding guests.  They practiced walking down the aisle between the rows of chairs while we sang the wedding march, "da da da duuuummm...da da da duuuummmm."  Lex has actually been singing it to himself and walking around the house with high kicks since then.  Hopefully he won't actually do that at the wedding, right?  Don't worry, there will be a real rehearsal with the real bride and groom beforehand, in order to work any little kinks out.

P.S.  Ohmigosh, but they are so cute in their little suits, too.  I can't wait to share the photos with you after the wedding! 


Unapologetically Mundane said...

How did they feel about . . . the kiss?

Julie said...

I guess they aren't old enough to be grossed out by it, or else they see me and Kevin kiss enough, because they didn't say a thing about that part.