Thursday, July 19, 2012

In which we go to the library, read books, and draw pictures

We love our library.  We go at least once a week, sometimes more, depending on when we have to return books or pick up requested items, or when there is a really great event.

We just attended one such really great event.  It was a Mo Willems party!  And we love us some Mo Willems' books over here.

After reading a few favorite books, there were games and crafts for the kids.  Connor's favorite activity was based on the book Edwina, The Dinosaur Who Didn't Know She Was Extinct.

The idea was to prevent the extinction of dinosaurs by inventing new ones.  Here are ours:

 ConnaRaptor by Connor

Connor liked this activity so much he did two more once we got home:

 SapperDino for our friend's dog, Sapper
(which we were dog sitting at the time), 

 and Cruisergunasauras for Lex's cat, Cruiser.

 T. Lex by Lex

Mommadactyl by Me.
We had just learned to draw Pigeon, so I used that new knowledge in my design.
(Lex added the blue tongue.  It's a nice touch, don't you think?)

The End.

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