Thursday, August 9, 2012

Art for the Sake of Sword Fighting

Connor and Lex were sword fighting with their friend Logan the other day, and while Lex and Logan were using foam swords of a similar strength and length, Connor was using his lightsaber.  After a while, we told Connor that he had an unfair advantage, and he either needed to use a foam sword or fight with someone else.

He chose the latter option, since he didn't want to give up his lightsaber.  Which led us to a new problem...who else could he sword fight with?

The answer?  A zombie with a lightsaber.  Since we didn't have one handy, Connor drew one and then we hung it on the wall for him to battle.

I love that he gave the zombie "mad" eyebrows and a "mad" mouth.  The red horizontal lines are where Connor struck the zombie with his lightsaber.  He drew those on during the battle.

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