Thursday, December 6, 2012

Missing Punchlines

Connor tells the funniest jokes.  Often he makes up his own.  He always has great openings for jokes, but sometimes he doesn't have a punchline yet.  That doesn't stop him from telling the opening.  And we'll still laugh.  Because somehow listening to him set up joke after joke after joke, without finishing any of them, is actually pretty funny.  I think it's because he's got such good comedic timing that he doesn't need the punchline.

But I still really wish I knew the ending of some of his jokes, like these:

How do you make a crocodile dance?

How do you turn a caboose into a moose?

What does a pilgrim say when he has to go potty?

What is the fight song for the Indians?

What does one pirate say to another pirate after he eats a fish for dinner?

Please finish these jokes someday soon, okay, Connor?

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