Friday, January 11, 2013

Please don't judge us.

So, a few weeks ago, Lex started saying things like, "I'm going to punch you in the face" or "I'm going to punch him in the belly."

Sometimes it was because he was mad at someone, or sometimes he was just acting out some imagination.

But I didn't like it, and I found myself saying "We don't say things like that" or "Talking about punching people isn't nice" all the time.

Until Kevin got sick of hearing me say those things and came up with another way to handle Lex's desire to discuss punching things.  Since I didn't want him to talk about punching people, Kevin suggested that Lex come up with other things to talk about punching.

Like, "I'm going to punch you in the cupcake" or "I'm going to punch you in the snowman."

Turns out that can be pretty funny, so Connor usually gets in on the action, and they talk about punching things like they are telling jokes.  Each time they try to say something funnier to punch.  Instead of anger, now we have laughter. 

One of my favorites is when Connor says, "I'm going to punch you in the Discount Double Check."

Seriously.  Don't judge us too harshly.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Very good solution! I remember when my son went through that phase and I wish I had thought of such a clever response. I also remember wondering where he came up with such a statement. My husband and I certainly don't walk around punching things!

No judgement here!