Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lego Monthly Mini-Build: February Edition

This month for the monthly mini-build, we built tiny log cabins.

They were super cute.  See?


Don't mind that blurry kid in front of Connor.  That's just his little brother Lex, who would not stand still for a photo.

So far, the mini-builds for 2013 have been more detailed and complex than the ones we built in years previous. 

I mean, remember the penguin igloo last month?  I mean, it was totally fabulous, but I remember thinking as we were building them that they were more complicated than usual.  And this month, the instructions were two pages long, instead of only one:

Lego 1

Lego 2

The kids still look forward to going to the mini-build each month, so I'll keep taking them. 

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