Monday, February 18, 2013

Picture Books of the Week

The boys have two new bedtime favorites to add to their list:

Nighttime Ninja by Barbara DaCosta

nighttime ninja

This book doesn't have very many words, but the art is fantastic, and the story is something that my kids can relate to.  First of all, they love ninjas.  Second of all, the main character is a little boy who gets into some mischief.  It's a sweet, easy read before bed.

Flight of the Last Dragon by Robert Burleigh

flight of the last dragon

This book is an epic poem (that isn't too long) about the very last flight of the very last dragon on Earth.  The artwork is beautiful and the rhythm and rhyme of the poem make it particularly well-suited for a bedtime story.  This book is a good choice for little boys.  I've never particularly noticed a story about dragons with feathers before this one, though.  Dragon feathers.  It must be a new thing.

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