He's been using the Silly Monsters Tracing Fun Book that I've had since I was a kid. In fact, today when he told me that it seemed like an old book, and I reminded him that it used to be mine when I was little, his jaw dropped. Then he started grilling me on every monster that I ever made with it. He was somewhat disappointed with my vague memories, and with the fact that I didn't recall naming my monster creations, the way that he names all of his.

Here are the first two that we did this past weekend.

Connor named his Rigeous, and he really wanted me to make one, too. In fact, he was just as excited to see which body parts I would pick as he was to make his own. I named mine Mops. Because of the electrified mop of hair, you see. (And in case you are wondering, Rigeous has Thapins that he uses for weapons. No, I don't know where he comes up with this stuff.)

Here, I made Uno, Connor made Elecno, and Kevin created Junior.
Then Lex wanted to join in the fun. He didn't want to do the actual tracing, but he did pick out all of these monster parts:
After I was done tracing them all, he named his monster Godzilla and colored him in with a yellow marker.
Connor named this guy Drango. Like a dragon. Not like Django, with the silent "D."
I particularly like Frank because usually the names that Connor comes up with are mostly unpronounceable. This one reminds me of a monster who changed his name so that we humans could get it right.

Connor is getting ready to pick out some feet for a new monster.
We hang all his new creations up. I'm starting to run out of space on the doors in my kitchen!

I liked Badar because Connor gave him a story. He is a magician, and he is making little bats, like the one you see at the bottom right corner. The blob at the top right corner is another little bat that is just starting to take shape (and he drew that part freehand!). I think that the candle is magic and somehow involved in the bat-making process.
He's been making monsters by tracing the individual parts since Sunday, and in the space of less than I week I have seen his traced lines go from wobbly to smooth and straight. I think this silly monsters business is actually benefiting his pencil skills and penmanship!
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