We went to check it out on opening weekend with Nana and Grandpa:

Official Family Photo on the Dinosaur Island Jeep:

I swear Lex is there. He just wasn't interested in having his photo taken.
Even though we were there to see dinosaurs, the rest of the zoo is still there, and we ended up seeing a few other animals. Like the flamingos.

Flamingos are Nana's favorite. And I think Connor really likes them, too.

You know, the flamingos might have been the only animals we stopped to see on our way to Dinosaur Island.
The main attraction is a boat ride through an area filled with animatronic dinosaurs that roar and spit water. I did get a little bit wet, but it was hot that day, so I didn't mind at all.

In case you have ever been on the boat ride at the Columbus Zoo, it is still in the same spot, and you can still see the monkeys that were there before. I wonder what the monkeys think of all the dinosaurs that are around them now.

If I remember correctly, these are the guys that spit on us.

And finally, the T-Rex.

We play a large amount of Dino-opoly at our house with Connor, and it was awesome for him to see all the dinosaurs that he has been learning about in real life. Or as close to real life as is possible at the zoo.
The End.
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