It was as good as when you find $10 in your pants pocket when you put them on.
I had totally forgotten that we took these pictures.
And now, without further ado:
Right before we left for the airport to move to Texas, someone suggested that we set up the tripod and take a family photo.

Here are both sets of grandparents and the one Ohio uncle.
(Sidebar: Pssst! Hey Kevin, you are now the Ohio Uncle. Until Kris comes back, that is.)
I pushed the self-timer button on the camera for the first photo.
It is important to know that Connor pushed the button for this next one:

Moose face! Silliness!
Now it is important to know that Lex pushed the button for this next photo:

Both of them had to have their turn with the button, you know.
Oh, and if it looks like Kevin and I just got back from a camping trip, that's because we did. We woke up that morning, packed up and drove back to my parents' house, collected our kids and suitcases and then got onto an airplane. It was almost that simple. (That's a sarcasm, Charlie Brown.)
And did you notice? The boys are both wearing their Texas shirts that Papa Kirk bought for them while he was visiting Dallas.
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