Last year, Connor wore the same costume that Lex decided to wear this year.

Lex is a skeleton bat.

For the longest time, Connor said that his costume was a Dragon Master.

Just before Halloween, he started calling it a Devil.
Things that Lex said on Halloween:
"Let's turn off all the lights so that we can spook the customers."
"With my Skeleton Bat costume, I can scare anyone!"
"We are going to stay up late tonight, because it is Halloween!"
Lex was more interested in scaring the people who opened the door while Trick or Treating than he was in the actual candy. There were several houses when he didn't even take the candy offered to him! I would like to thank every person who pretended to be scared when he yelled, "Boo!" at them. When they weren't scared, he was disappointed. Play along, adults, play along! It's Halloween, and you are supposed to act scared when a four-year old tries to scare you!
I was the Spider Princess. I had a Black Widow drawn on my cheek, but I washed it off after I smeared in on the back of Lex's head during a snuggle.

We Trick or Treated on our block, and then we went to a friend's house about a block away, and then we came home to pass out candy and eat ours.

After the Trick or Treating died down, we watched Scooby Doo on Zombie Island before bed, so that we could stay up late.
Happy Halloween!
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