The first thing we learned when we got to the Waco Mammoth Site was that there never were any Wooly Mammoths in Texas during the Ice Age. It was warmer in Texas, which makes sense, so the mammoths that we were going to see were actually Columbian Mammoths. Who knew?

What do you need to know about Columbian Mammoths?

Well, there was no snow, so there was more vegetation, so there was more to eat. This means that Columbian Mammoths were bigger than Wooly Mammoths. And since it was warmer, they weren't covered in wool.

These fossils were exposed before they were fully hardened, so they are actually very delicate. Which is one of the reasons that they were left in situ and a building was built around them for protection from the elements.

These mammoths died in a rapid flooding event.

Also found at this site was the largest nursery herd discovered to date. Those remains are no longer at the site, as they are being handled by paleontologists at Baylor University.

Connor and Lex aren't even as tall as one Columbian Mammoth femur.

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