Thursday, January 28, 2016

Solar Robots

The kids each have a build-your-own solar robot kit.  Each kit can be assembled into 14 different robots.  Not all at once.  One at a time.

Connor chose to build the slither bot first.


I don't know why he made that face for the picture.  He thought it was funny.  Even after I showed it to him.  Because boys.


Lex chose to build the wheel bot first.


This is what our homeschool looks like frequently.  Build a robot, get a cookie.  There are lots of cookies.  Also, Pokemon cards.


This guy is pretty cute.  He resembles Wall-E, I think.

Of course, once both of the boys had completed their robots and tested them outside in the sun, they wanted to race them.

They have plans to change their robot designs and then have another race soon.

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