Monday, April 18, 2016

Too Much Fun

This past weekend, all the schools here had a snow day.  No, there was no snow.  It was a day that was set aside in case they had needed to take a snow day during the previous winter.  Since they didn't use it then, they got the day off now.  It's weird, but no one is going to say no to a free spring Friday holiday.

So, on Friday, the boys had a friend come over to play all afternoon.  As soon as he left, another friend came over and spent the night.  (They had an all-night Minecraft LAN party.)  The next day, as soon as his mom came to get him, they decided to sleep over at his house for that night!  (Kevin and I had a date - dinner and a movie!)  Then, when I picked them up the next day, they decided to all get together with that first friend again to play Pokemon.


Eventually, it was time to go home for a nice Sunday dinner, and all the kids were dropped off with their normal families.  Except mine had had too much fun, and they didn't make it to dinner.


They both fell asleep on the short ride home.


It was never so easy to transfer them to sleep in their beds when they were infants!



They had a wonderful weekend with their friends.  Too much Minecraft.  Too much Pokemon.  Not enough sleep.

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