Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Tooth Fairy

So Thursday night before bed, Lex decided to set a trap to catch the tooth fairy in action:


The trap consisted of a couple of Pottery Barn chairs turned onto their sides, along with blankets and pillows and assorted sharp toys that one might step on.  Vicious.

But, the tooth fairy managed to elude the trap, and was successful in the tooth fairy mission.

The next morning, Lex came in and thanked me for the $5.  I asked him why he was thanking me, and he said that he knew I was the tooth fairy.  My response?  "In that case, honey, you need to look again, because I put $10 under your pillow."

He went and checked again, and then he came back to thank me for the $10.

He knew I was the tooth fairy, but he set the trap anyways.  He clearly understands how this game works.  We keep it fun around here.

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