Monday, October 10, 2016

Lex's Slumber Party

Lex is turning 7!

Lex is going to be having a birthday and turning 7 this week, so we had a small party for him and his friends this past weekend.  He wanted a simple slumber party and a plain cake.  A chocolate mint cake, with mint chocolate chip ice cream.  So, that's what we did.

Lex is turning 7!

They ate tons of pizza and chips, too.  They played video games for hours.  They watched funny cat videos on the internet.  They played Pokemon.

Lex is turning 7!

They even played some Bang! The Dice Game and Dominion.

Lex is turning 7!

Everyone seemed to have a riot.  I didn't take very many photos, because I was trying to be inconspicuous, and also, because what is even going on here?  I don't know.  And I was there.  But it was fun.

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