It seemed like this day would never finally come, but it has arrived.

Kevin and I took the boys and voted early on Friday afternoon.
So, we have voted, and we are ready for the rest of the country to vote now, too.

Of course, we are learning all about the Electoral College for school.
I've got a couple of these blank maps ready so that the kids can color in the states as they are called tonight.

I remember having to do this assignment for homework for the 1992 election, and coloring the states blue for William Clinton, red for George Bush, and leaving the states that Ross Perot won white. I also remember how upset my parents were about this assignment, because we lived on the east coast, and the western states weren't going to be called until after my bedtime. I really wanted to stay up to finish coloring my map, but I don't think I did. I think I finished coloring it before school the next morning.
But, this one assignment really made it clear to me how we elect the president, so I'm going to do it with the kids. We shall see how many states they get to color in tonight before they go to bed. The rest, they will have to do in the morning. As is tradition, apparently.
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