Monday, December 19, 2016

Butts for Ducks

Today, while we were out running Christmas-related errands, we took the bread butts with us so that we could stop at the duck pond and feed them to the ducks.

Ice and ducks at the pond

It was warmish and sunny, but the pond was frozen.

Ice and ducks at the pond

All the birds had congregated in the center of the pond where the water was not frozen.

Ice and ducks at the pond

I tossed the bread as close to them as I could to try to get their attention, and fortunately it slid right across the ice to meet the birds.  We got the seagulls' attention first, and the ducks joined in later.

Ice and ducks at the pond

It turned out to be fun, even with the ice.

Ice and ducks at the pond

Actually, watching the ducks waddle on the ice was really funny.

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