Tuesday, September 5, 2017

First Day of School!!

Today we started a new school year!  Of course, we did our annual back-to-school photo shoot.

First Day of School 2017-2018

Lex is dabbing.  Connor is pouting.

First Day of School 2017-2018

Lex is doing 3rd grade this year.  

Except for the subjects where he isn't.  But, for sake of acting like normal people who are only in one grade at a time, he's a 3rd grader.

First Day of School 2017-2018

Connor is a 5th grader.
Yes, that is also a normalized grade.

First Day of School 2017-2018

First Day of School 2017-2018

First Day of School 2017-2018

Connor attempted to wash the chalk away. 
It was a valiant effort to extend the summer.
But it didn't really work.

First Day of School 2017-2018

It's the beginning of a new year.

It's also the end of an era.

Connor, who has always been big on traditions, has outgrown this one.  He asked if this could be his last year with the side walk chalk back-to-school photo.  So, for next year, when he is a big 6th grader, he will be doing something new and more appropriate to his grown-up 6th grade status.  

You can see the photos from last here if you click here.

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