Thursday, September 21, 2017

Mewtwo EX Raid

So tonight was the first EX Raid in Amarillo.  It was an invitation-only event.  There seemed to be between 80 and 100 invitations passed out by Niantic, and there was quite a crowd at the raid.

Mewtwo Raid #PokemonGo

The boys came prepared to hang out for a while.

Mewtwo Raid #PokemonGo

Lex loves selfies.
Any occasion is a good occasion for a selfie.

Mewtwo Raid #PokemonGo

I used the new screen capture feature on iOS 11 for the first time, and recorded the raid.

I let Lex throw a few balls, and we were both very disappointed when Mewtwo ran away! 

Mewtwo Raid #PokemonGo

I'll get you next time, Mewtwo!

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