Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Homeschool Holiday Party

I joined a new homeschool group recently so that the kids would have the chance to meet other homeschoolers near our new home, and when I found out that no one had organized a Holiday party yet, I volunteered.  I basically threw a party in our home for a group of total strangers, and it was fantastic.

We decided to do a Hot Chocolate, Cookies and Crafts party.  So, Lex and I made some cookies:

Homeschool Holiday Party

Homeschool Holiday Party

Homeschool Holiday Party

Homeschool Holiday Party

I bought a bunch of craft kits at Hobby Lobby.  Sidebar:  I totally waited until the last minute to do this bit of shopping, but it really worked out, because by this week, all the Holiday stuff was marked down 66% off!

Homeschool Holiday Party

Connor made these reindeer antlers and colored this place mat.

Homeschool Holiday Party

I didn't take any photos during the party.  I was having too much fun meeting everyone and trying to keep their names straight.  I would guess that probably 7 moms showed up, and there were maybe 25 kids.  We did crafts, ate cookies, drank hot cocoa and tea, and played board games.  I think it was a success.

Happy Holidays!

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