Friday, December 8, 2017

Snow Day

The weatherman predicted snow, so the city of Atlanta shut down long before the first flakes started coming down.  Kevin worked from home, and the kids kept their eyes peeled on the windows, so that they could go out and play as soon as it started snowing.

Snow Day

Snow Day

Snow Day

Once it finally did start snowing, it didn't stop:

Snow Day

Since it was Friday night, we decided that we wanted to go out to eat.  We headed out to the pizza place right by our house, and that's when we discovered how much of Atlanta really did shut down.  All the stores and restaurants were closed.  We found one that was open, but the kids didn't want to eat there, because it was a Greek place.  We finally found an Italian restaurant, and got settled in and ordered our food, and then the power went out.

Snow Day

Fortunately, they didn't kick us out and were able to make our food without electricity.  We enjoyed a very nice candle light dinner.  There was only one other party at the restaurant, and one more table with a single fellow at it.

Snow Day

Can you even find the little white blur that is Poppy in the snow?
She loves the snow.  She hops around like a snow bunny.

Once we got home, we rented a movie on Vudu (The Mummy), but then the internet went out, and we couldn't watch it.

When it snows in Atlanta, life really stops.  Noted.

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