Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Elves are Busy Making Ornaments

This year, when we hung the stockings up on the fireplace, Connor asked me if I could put something in it every night while he is sleeping.  I asked him if he thought I was the Stocking Brigade or something, and of course, he did.  And thus the Stocking Brigade became a thing that has been happening here.

The first night, I stuck some Christmas-themed Pez dispensers that I found in the box with the stockings in there with some Pez.

Then, I discovered a stash of little Christmas activities that we never did from years past, and I decided those would be good for the Stocking Brigade to leave for the kids.

Here, we have some little foam ornament kits that I stuck in their stockings:

Ornament made by Connor
Connor made his and hung it on the little tree.

Ornament by Lex

Lex hung his on the microphone stand on his desk, next to the little tree.

Ornament by Lex

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