Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Certified Puncher

Connor needed to have a tooth pulled today.  It was a baby molar that didn't come out when his adult molar came in.  It got pushed out of the way and detached on one side only, so it basically just rotated 90 degrees, pointing at the inside of his gum on the outside of his mouth.  And it would NOT come out.  He wiggled it and pulled on it for a month.  He even let me try to yank it out multiple times, but it was not going to come out without a trip to see the dentist.

Well, Lex really thought he could get it out.  He just wanted to punch Connor in the face and knock his tooth out.  He even went as far as to claim that he was a certified puncher.

Summer Shenanigans

He has a certificate and everything.

No, we didn't let him punch Connor in the face to knock out his tooth.  We took him to the dentist to have it pulled in a more responsible and controlled (read: expensive) manner.

You're welcome, Connor.  Sorry, Lex.  Maybe next time.  (But probably not.)

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