Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Homeschool Lunchtime Challenge

Today, both the boys wanted to make chicken nuggets in the microwave for lunch.

(I know.  Only children and savages make their chicken nuggets in the microwave.  I always make them in the oven so that they are properly crisped, but I cannot convince the boys that they should do the same.  Unless you also make your nuggets in the microwave.  In which case I am clearly the crazy one.  I'll own that. I know that the oven takes longer.  I just like what I like.)

In order to decide who got to use the microwave first, because this is important, and waiting 90 seconds is hard, they decided they would have a Connect Four tournament.

Best two out of three.  Winner gets to use the microwave first.

1 comment:

A Joyful Chaos said...

Love it! Love when children come up with creative ways to do things. Even deciding who gets to use the microwave first.