Tuesday, February 5, 2019

In which we go to the park

On Tuesday last week, the entire city shut down because of a threatened snowpocalypse that never happened.  It was 20 degrees outside.  Literally freezing. 

This week on Tuesday, it was sunny and 75 degrees.  Crazy, right? And we would have been crazy to have stayed indoors on such a beautiful day.

So we met some of our favorite homeschool friends at the park.  They played at the skate park, they went for a bike ride. They played football.  We were there for hours.

Homeschoolers at Large

After we were finally exhausted and sunburned (sorry kids, no one thought to apply sunscreen in the middle of winter), we headed to our favorite sandwich shop for sandwiches and milkshakes.

Homeschoolers at Large

It was a wonderful day.

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