Friday, March 22, 2019

In which we buy a new couch

In what you could definitely call a first world problem, we needed a new couch.  The way that we would sit on the old couch, which was a sectional sofa, allowed for only two people to be on the couch at one time.


You see, everyone wants to put their feet up, so one person would lie upon one half of the sofa, leaving the other half of the sofa free for another person to lie upon. 


Before - Bird's Eye View

* * *

After - Bird's Eye View


We went ahead and bought everything that was on display with the couch we liked.  The rug, tables and lamp.  I'm ever so glad that we did.  It really makes the room much more like a room and less like a room with just a sofa.


The new sofa has one chaise and two recliners, and it is much bigger than the old sofa.  The entire thing is modular, and we have already made plans for the first reconfiguration so that we have about the same sized L-shape in the middle that our old sofa had.  I think it's safe to say that more than two people fit on this sofa comfortably.  

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