Friday, June 28, 2019

Camping Day Two

We spent the morning swimming in the lake with our friends.  We also broke down our campsite.

Camping Day 2

But we weren't going home yet!  

Camping Day 2

We just moved our tent to Papa Kirk and Grandma Ella's campsite.

Camping Day 2

This is the rocket that Papa Kirk and Grandma Ella bought Connor for his birthday.
It's Ginormous!

Ate Track

My friend recommended that we go into town and try a little restaurant called Ate Track.

Ate Track

The decor was 1970s basement.  I felt like I was on That 70s Show.

Ate Track

Fried Pickles

Ate Track

The food was amazing, and there was tons of it!

Ate Track

Behold, the nachos!

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