Saturday, June 15, 2019

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

We had such an awesome time at the Sandy Springs Lantern Parade last year, so we were really looking forward to doing it again this year.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

Lex designed his lantern to look like Boo from Super Mario Bros.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

We had Chick-fil-A and ice cream before the parade started.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

I spy with my little eye a little boy named Lex.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

Lex and I love this cow.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade\

My lantern was blue and white and decorated with white butterflies.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

After we paraded down to the river by the park, we stopped at the playground so that the kids could climb and swing and run amok.

Sandy Springs Lantern Parade

We still have never made it down to the river for the boat launch and to see the lanterns as they cross the water.  Maybe next year?

As we were walking, we came up with all kinds of good ideas for lanterns for next year. 
No, I don't remember what any of them were.
Of course.

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