Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Fun at the Mall

Connor is taking more cooking classes at Sur La Table this week, so Lex and I have been hanging out in the mall during his camp.  There are so many things to do at the mall.  We have lunch in the food court, and then...

Fun at the mall

We got a massage in the massage chairs.

Fun at the mall

We cruise around the mall on motorized animals.

Fun at the mall

And we walk around the shops that look interesting.

Fun at the mall

Today we found out that there was going to be an event at the LEGO store around the same time that Connor was done with his class.  So, we signed up.

Fun at the mall

It's time to build a frog!

Fun at the mall

Fun at the mall

Fun at the mall

So much fun at the mall.
He can barely contain himself.
I know.
Ribbit Ribbit.

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