Saturday, November 16, 2019

University of Georgia

Today we went to the University of Georgia.

Lex participated in a Duke TiP Academic Adventure called Magical Murder.  It was a Harry Potter themed law program.  Harry Potter was on trial for the murder of Voldemort.  Lex argued for the defense of Harry.  They lost.  Lex suspects there may have been a mistrial.

University of Georgia

While Lex was having his fun day, the rest of us went on a walking tour of the campus.  It's a beautiful campus, and it was a beautiful day.  We played some Pokemon Go, and Connor played his new Pokemon Sword game, too.

We ended up at the Taco Stand for lunch.  It was amazing.  I would definitely eat there again.

University of Georgia

University of Georgia

University of Georgia

\University of Georgia

Selfie with a sleepy dog on my lap.

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