Wednesday, November 25, 2020

School Notes

I made the boys do school this week, Monday through Wednesday.  I just couldn't see us being quarantined and without anything to do from Friday last week until Sunday next week.  That's nine days and we can't go anywhere.  So, we did three days of school.  It didn't kill them.

Also, we finished a bunch of books before Thanksgiving break.


The boys finished Writing & Rhetoric book 7.  The both wrote a biography of Crazy Horse for their final project.  I have ordered book 8, and hopefully it doesn't take too long to get to us, what with all the Black Friday shopping that is going to happen online this year.


Essay by Lex

Connor finished his logic book, The Art of the Argument.  He is going to do The Discovery of Deduction next.  I ordered that, too.


Essay by Connor

Connor finished his Biology book.  He's going to do Chemistry next, but we already have that book, so no worries.  He's already ready for Science on Monday morning!

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