Friday, July 23, 2021

In which I read a book and learn about an author I love but didn't know


I wanted to read Martian Time Slip, but the only copy my library had was in this giant anthology. So, the giant anthology I got. 

Martian Time Slip was a great read.  Philip K. Dick has written so many great Sci Fi stories that I didn't realize were all his: 

The Blade Runner movies are based on his Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Total Recall came from his We Can Remember It for You Wholesale

Minority Report

A Scanner Darkly

The Man in the High Castle

The Adjustment Bureau is from his Adjustment Team

...and all the Terminator movies are based on his assassin machines from Second Variety.

He's written a ton of other stuff and there are more movies and TV shows that I don't really recognize. I had no idea. He's one of my favorite authors and I didn't even know it.

I'm gonna need a bigger anthology.

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