Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Getting Ready for 7th Grade

Lex is going to be a 7th grader this year!!

Today I spent some time printing the materials I purchased electronically for him to use.  We are still waiting on one of his workbooks (logic) to be delivered, but hopefully it will arrive soon.

Redstone Academy 7th Grade

This is for his humanities course.

Redstone Academy 7th Grade

We are going to be reading some folktales and myths in Spanish.

Redstone Academy 7th Grade

7th Grade Science Workbook

Redstone Academy 7th Grade

7th Grade Science in Spanish

Redstone Academy 7th Grade
Connor is taking Japanese in high school, so Lex asked if we could learn Japanese, too.

Redstone Academy 7th Grade

The goal is obviously a trip to Tokyo. 

Especially to Universal Studios where they have built the new Super Nintendo World.

Stay tuned. School starts after Labor Day!

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