Monday, December 20, 2021

Niagara Falls

After the football game in Buffalo, we decided that we were close enough to Niagara Falls to visit. We had taken the kids to Niagara Falls before, but they were very young and didn't remember it well. To be fair, it was 10 years ago. None of us had ever seen the falls in winter before, and we were already had all the cold gear we needed, so off we went.

(The cold gear is very important, because my childhood memory of the time that I was the coldest was when I visited Niagara Falls with my parents when I was like 4 or 5 years old, even though it was summer. That water and all the wind was very cold!)

One thing that was different from the last time we visited was the mobile COVID testing stations that were set up around town. 

Niagara Falls

After seeing the signs and the pricing for tests if you didn't have the correct insurance because you were from another country, we decided that we were definitely staying on the USA side this time. We had had to show our vaccine cards for the first time earlier in the day to get into the stadium for the NFL game, and that was the most complicated COVID thing we had done thus far. The idea of going to another country and testing to go and/or come back for just a few hours seemed like too much trouble. Especially if we got stranded in Canada because of a positive test. 

Niagara Falls

Make way for Canadian Geese.

They apparently don't have to have a COVID test to cross the border, or a green light to cross the street.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Selfie by the falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Falls Family Photos

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

We went to the Hard Rock Cafe for dinner, just like we did 10 years ago.

It's really the best place for dinner on the American side of the falls.

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls

Then, we went back to the falls to see them again in the dark.

Niagara Falls

I love the way that they light them up for night.

Since the sun had gone down, now it was tremendously cold.

We only stayed for a few minutes, and then sprinted back to the car for warmth.

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