Saturday, July 30, 2022

Getting Ready for Fall

I went to the Southeast Homeschool Expo today, and I visited the vendor hall. I'm always on the lookout for new curriculum books that I have never seen before, and this time I found two great books to buy.

Redstone Academy

This is a middle grade book that teaches different memory tricks that students can use, as well as provides examples for when to use each trick. While I bought this book to complete with Lex during this coming school year, but I am hopeful that I can convince Connor to at least glance through this book before he goes back to school, too.

Redstone Academy

This workbook guides middle school students through the brainstorming, writing and editing process to complete a novel during a single school year. The end product is a published book. It was a little bit more expensive than homeschool workbooks usually are, and I assume that is because there is a vanity publishing fee built into the book price. I should probably look into that, actually.  In any event, I am really excited about the possibility of reading's Lex's debut novel this year. I hope he can get excited about it, too. 

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