Thursday, November 24, 2022

Turkey Day 2022

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today we watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving, and football!

And, of course, today we ate food! Lots and lots of food.

Turkey Day

The Snack Spread

Turkey Day

This turkey weighed 20 lbs

Turkey Day

Poppy is waiting very patiently for dinner to begin

Turkey Day

The table is set

Turkey Day

We had turkey and gravy and Cheddar Bay biscuits and corn bread stuffing

Turkey Day

Mashed Potatoes and Brussels Sprouts

Turkey Day

Parsley Potatoes, Yams, Pearl Onions

Turkey Day

Jellied Cranberry Sauce, Carrots, Deviled Eggs

Turkey Day

Please drop lots of yummy turkey on the floor

Turkey Day

Dinner was delicious!

Turkey Day

This pumpkin pie is huge!

Someone made a valiant effort at eating a normal sized slice.

We also had a huge apple pie.

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