Short answer: Nothing.
Long answer: Well, I didn't get *any* sleep on Monday night, and Monday I had more contractions in one day than I ever had before. Never more than 4 an hour, though, or I would have been a good girl and called the doctor like I'm supposed to.
So, Tuesday morning it did not seem like a good idea to go in to work, so I took the day off, and F.I.N.A.L.L.Y. got some sleep! I slept until I woke up hungry for breakfast around 10:30, got up and ate enough for both breakfast and lunch, then went back to sleep again. I slept until 4:00 PM! I only woke up then because I didn't want to absolutely destoy my sleep cycle, as I was still pretty tired. Kevin came home from work, we had dinner, and I remained unproductive for the rest of the evening, before we went to bed around 8:30 or so.
But today, I feel much more normal. Pretty well rested, and only two contractions yesterday, and none so far today! I think I just needed a day to lay down and rest up, even though I don't really do anything too strenuous as it is.
So long as I don't take any more unexpected days off from work, I only have to work for the rest of today, a half day tomorrow before my doctor's appointment, Friday, and the five days next week before I take off the summer for maternity leave. My boss has been interviewing for a temporary replacement for me for the summer, and he expects to pick someone in time for me to train them a bit next week while I'm still here. I hope he picks a fast learner, as time is quickly running out!
As of today, I am officially 34 weeks pregnant. Only 6 weeks left to go! (All of this is assuming, of course, that the doctor is as smart as she says she is. )
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