Last night after we got back from the library, I noticed that the moon was really pretty, and that Venus was right beside it. Kevin and I decided to play around with our camera to see if we could get a good shot of it, and this is the best that we came up with. We should have gotten the tripod out to see if we could have stablized the camera a little bit better. You can see Venus as a small little shaky dot to the right and under the moon.
Kevin is still hoping that Connor is born on the blue moon, which is coming up at the end of the month. It's hard to imagine that the moon will be full again so quickly, but I guess the phases of the moon progress faster than I realize.
I really miss the planetarium. That was one of the most fun jobs I ever had. Oh! But, I have a bit of the planetarium at home with me now...remember the Geodesium CDs that I wanted, but didn't want to buy? I asked a friend of mine who used to work with us at the COSI planetarium, who now works at another science center in the southern US, if he had them, and he had all 4 of them! He burned copies of them for me and shipped them up here a while ago. Thank you Mike Smail for that!
Anyways, at the library last night, Kevin picked up a huge stack of materials that he had requested, mostly stuff about global warming, the changing energy economy and self-sufficient living, since that is what he is interested in right now. But, one thing he requested caught my eye...it is a book called "The Carbon Murder" by Camille Minichino. The cover of the book says that it is a mystery, but Kevin probably didn't see that online and thought it was about global warming. This is what the back of the book says:
The Carbon Murder - A Periodic Table Mystery - Book 6
Gloria Lamerino's goddaughter, Mary Catherine Galigani ("MC" to her friends), needs a change in her life. She decides to move back to her hometown of Revere, Massachusetts, thereby ridding herself of both an abusive relationship and an unfulfilling job in Houston, Texas. At least that's the plan. When two homicides disrupt MC's peaceful return to Revere, Gloria applies her considerable detecting skills to help the police solve the crimes. When she faces the medical problems of her partner, Detective Matt Gennaro, and the next steps in their relationship, Gloria delves into the worlds of nanotechnology and show horses and uncovers a crime ring larger than the distance between Texas and Massachusetts.
Man, talk about a lot going on in just one little book! I mean, nanotechnology and show horses and murder and health problems and all that other stuff? Come on! Kevin's not going to read it because it isn't what he thought it was going to be, but I haven't decided yet whether or not I will. I'm not big into murder mysteries, and I picked out my own book at the library last night. (My one book looked silly next to Kevin's huge stack, but I haven't been in much of a reading mood lately.) I have actually been thinking of re-reading the Harry Potter books lately in advance of the new movie and last book release, so we'll see what I end up picking up first.
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