Even though I'm not working anymore, I still can't get into the habit of getting on the computer at home on the weekends. It just seems wrong to me for some reason.
But, it's Monday, so I'm back, and that's only because I'm still at home. There is no baby yet. I'm starting to feel like the hoopla was all for nothing, but of course that's just stupid, he's still in there, kicking and punching away at my ribcage, and he has G.O.T. to come out sometime. No one ever spent their entire life in their mother's womb, well, at least not literally. Maybe figuratively speaking. Ha! (And no, I don't actually have anyone in mind at the moment, although it seems like I should. I just don't know anyone like that.)
Kevin fixed his drill on Saturday, so he hung up the curtains that I made in the baby's room. I went up there to take a picture of them this morning for you, and the light bulb is burned out. Since I'm not in the mood to climb up on a step ladder to change the bulb, I took a small lamp in there to take some pictures, and the lighting isn't great. But, for the sake of time, and since *hopefully* I'll be more interested in posting baby pictures soon, I decided to post the pictures anyways.

I am really proud of these curtains. They are reversible, with the opposite colors on the other side. They are one of the first projects that I have made where everything turned out exactly how I wanted them to, with no hidden mistakes or anything.

And just for fun, here is a shot of the twin bedding I bought to make the room more kid-friendly. I think it's cute.

Then, here is a shot of all of the baby's stuffed animals. He has so many already, and I didn't buy a single one of those, because I was forewarned that everyone would buy them for us! They are super cute, but I'm not sure what we are going to do with them all yet, which is why they are all arranged on the floor next to the bed. Kevin has started telling his family and friends not to buy us any more "puppets," because that's what he calls them. I think it might be a Northern Ohio thing...or maybe just a Kevin thing, but I think calling them "puppets" or "puppet animals" is both adorable and funny.
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