Thursday, May 8, 2008

Next Spring, There Will Be Tulips!

Sara called me yesterday afternoon, and she told me that the Franklin Park Conservatory (which is quickly becoming one of my favorite places in the whole wide world) had pulled all their tulips from their spring installation, and that if I drove over there, I could pick up bulbs for free!

So, I packed Connor up and we went over and we got two brown grocery bags full of tulip bulbs that I am going to plant in the front of our house, next to the garage and sidewalk to the front porch. The ones that still had some petals were a very pretty purple color, but I understand that some of them will be white, and others will be pink and white.

I'm super excited for my garden next spring! I really wanted a bunch of tulips for that area, but I didn't want to pay for as many as I wanted. I'm so excited for the way that things work out!

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