Thursday, September 18, 2008

State of Emergency, Part II

I have discovered the *real* emergency caused by Hurricane Ike and the power outage at our house.

Even though we weren't at home for much of the time that our power was out, after talking with some neighbors, I have discovered that our electricity was out for about 14 hours or so.

We didn't really have that much food in the fridge, as we were out of town and hadn't gone grocery shopping yet for the next week, but *something* in the fridge did go bad. But not right away.

It wasn't until yesterday that I noticed the smell, and I couldn't put my finger on exactly what it was, or where it was coming from. In the end, I threw just about everything that was in the fridge away, and I spent about an hour taking all the shelves apart and scrubbing down the inside of our fridge. The smell was still lingering a little bit, so I sent Kevin to the store to get a fresh box of baking soda to put in there. (He bought three, along with a pillow - see below.)

After I had done all this, things were smelling better in our house.

But, I accidently spilled an *entire* bottle of milk at 3:30 this morning while I was half asleep and trying to get Connor a nice warm bottle. (He hasn't been waking up in the middle of the night for a while now, but he did for some unknown reason last night.) I didn't just spill it somewhere where it would be easy to clean, either. I spilled it down the side of the cabinet, between the cabinet and the stove. I'm going to have to pull the stove out in order to properly clean this milk up, or it's going to sour and our kitchen will smell bad once again!

And, since I'm going to be going through all the trouble of pulling the stove out, I'm sure I should probably go ahead and *really* clean behind and under it.

On the bright side, by the time I'm done with this, our kitchen is going to *super* clean.

1 comment:

The Gocha Family said...

If you don't know already. What we heard was that you have 8 hours for anything in your fridge 24 for a 1/2 full freezer and 48 for a full freezer and as long as the temerature dosn't get above 40 degrees its okay to refreeze.